18—State labor negotiators have come to terms with one of Hawaii's larger public workforce unions on a new four-year contract that provides. The Classification and Compensation Branches are responsible for administering the State’s classification and compensation systems and providing personnel management advisory assistance to departmental personnel offices on a variety of classification and compensation issues. Thanks to HGEA’s doggedness, approximately 25 employees from the state Department of Health (DOH) — food and drug inspectors and sanitarians — finally received compensation from a settlement, totaling nearly $200,000. ” Check your spam or junk. 5 percent 60 percent/40 percent employer/employee split on the Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund (EUTF) health insurance premium. Monthly Dues Rate for Bargaining Unit Membership* Full-time HGEA Bargaining Unit Employee (21 or more regular work hours per week): Units 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 13, 14 or. by increasing the maximum of the salary range by 4% • Effective July 1, 2024, all Bargaining Unit 13 classifications shall be adjusted by increasing the maximum of the salary range by 4%. 35 23. The collective bargaining agreements for Bargaining Units 4 and 13 with the Hawaii Government Employees Association (HGEA) expire on June 30, 2021. April 21, 2021. Collective Bargaining Agreements (Union Contracts) Over 90% of Executive Department employees are covered by a union contract. Members on Hawaii, Maui and Kauai can also contact your island division office for assistance. org. 14. Hawaii Government Employees Association’s Unit 13 members overwhelmingly ratified a four-year contract, covering the period of July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2017, with 96% voting. adjustments will be changed concurrently with the change in salary. 5 percent 60 percent/40 percent employer/employee split on the Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund (EUTF) health insurance premium. SALARY TABLE 2022-HI INCORPORATING THE 2. Unit 13 Results; Unit 14 Results; Unit 15 Results; Featured Members at Work. The parties have been engaged in successor bargaining to renew the CBA. READ UNIT 13 NEWS. 5, Employees claiming and qualifying for religious exemption shall select one of the following non-religious, non-laborUnit 13 Results; Unit 14 Results; Unit 15 Results; Featured Members at Work. Units 2, 3, 4, 9, 13, and 14 June 27, 2003. Joining the Retirees Unit; Retiree Benefits; How it Works; Hoolaha; Contract Ratifications. On May 27, 2021, the Hawaii Government Employees Association (HGEA) ratified and approved the current agreements for Bargaining Units 4 and 13 which became effective July 1, 2021, and were set to expire on June 30, 2023. Third and fourth years: Salary increases of 3. Ryvette G. UNIT 9 – Registered Professional Nurses. Linda Mau; Michael Harano; Gary. If an individual is not satisfied with the determination, that. Linda Mau; Michael Harano; Gary. The following offer by the Employer (i. Employees deemed to be in the Most Severe category will get 25% of the pay on the minimum step of their salary range. David Ige’s. Third and fourth years: Salary increases of 3. What bargaining unit do I belong to and how do I find my contract and salary schedule?The Hawaii Government Employees Association is Hawaii’s largest union with nearly 37,000 members statewide. Joining the Retirees Unit; Retiree Benefits; How it Works; Hoolaha; Contract Ratifications. Pursuant to the Public Employment Relations Board certification S-SR-13, the State recognizes IUOE as the exclusive negotiating agent for all employees in Bargaining Unit 13, Stationary Engineers Unit. Bargaining Unit 13 Article 28 - Standby Pay Article 29 - Call Back Pay Article 30 - Show-Up Time and Reporting Pay 5. Commission Support Clerk. Ratification meetings for Unit 13 were held at. Home » Resources for State HR Professionals » Classification and Compensation » Salary Schedules » BU 04, Supervisory Employees in. Per the HGEA contract “Hazard Pay Differentials shall be based on the minimum step of the Employee’s salary range. Tuesday, April 30. 1. Ratification meetings for Unit 13 were held at. Unit 3 presentation, tentative agreement and ratification information. The Hawaii Government Employees Association, AFSCME Local 152, AFL-CIO, is Hawaii’s largest union with nearly 37,000 members statewide. BU 10 CO / BU 10 HE, Institutional, Health, and Correctional Workers. Said contract entered into on March 19, 1973, was made effective as of February 1, 1973. Union Membership ratified: 7/6/2022. 14 . HAWAII GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION AFSCME LOCAL 152 • AFL-CIO UNIT 4 CONTRACT JULY 1, 2013-JUNE 30, 2015. Unit 2 Results; Unit 3 Results; Unit 4 Results; Unit 6 Results; Unit 8 Results; Unit 9 Results; Unit 13 Results; Unit 14 Results; Unit 15 Results; Featured Members at Work. Based on the assessment of credentials by the dean/director, the vice president/chancellor is authorized to approve the salary placement. Employees deemed to be in the Severe category will get 15% of the pay on the minimum. 1979: Unit 9 chooses HGEA. . 4. 13. Governor, UH President, and Board of Regents) has been presented to Unit 7 Faculty in mid-term bargaining for consideration to extend the current Unit 7 Collective Bargaining Agreement (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2023) from a two (2) year contract to a four (4) year contract (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2025). Linda Mau; Michael Harano; Gary. Home » Resources for State HR Professionals » Classification and Compensation » Salary Schedules » BU 09, Registered Professional Nurses BU 09, Registered Professional Nurses BU09 01/01/2009Joining the Retirees Unit; Retiree Benefits; How it Works; Hoolaha; Contract Ratifications. HGEA’s Unit 13 membership consists of approximately 8,100 professional and scientific employees. April 15, 2021. Cory Lum/Civil Beat/2020. 92% EFFECTIVE JANUARY 2022 Annual Rates by Grade and Step Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10Home » Resources for State HR Professionals » Classification and Compensation » Salary Schedules » BU 10 CO / BU 10 HE, Institutional, Health, and Correctional Workers. HGEA takes non-militant, non-partisan-politics position. 84 8HR 251. Joining the Retirees Unit; Retiree Benefits; How it Works; Hoolaha; Contract Ratifications. Joining the Retirees Unit; Retiree Benefits; How it Works; Hoolaha; Contract Ratifications. Unit 3 presentation, tentative agreement and ratification information. 4% lump sum payment will be paid to employees. Summary of EUTF Tentative Agreement 2023. Chapter 3-10, Hawaii Administrative Rules – Travel Rules (PDF) Procurement Exemptions. Salary Schedules. Third and fourth years: Salary increases of 3. BU03&04 07/01/2008; BU03&04 07/01/2013; BU03&04 07/01/2014; BU03&04 01/01/2017;2021, and was set to expire on June 30, 2023. April. Scattergrams reflecting Employee distribution on the salary schedule as of July 15 of each year shall be provided to the Union by each jurisdiction. No – 25%. Summary of EUTF Tentative Agreement 2023. Led by the HGEA Executive Director, who. County of Maui Department of Finance, Real Property Asset Division. 1% across-the-board pay raise. 70. Unit 4 presentation, tentative agreement and ratification information. 4. 65 18. Account Clerk IV. 12/31/2020 3:13:16 pm. Phone: (808) 543-0000. m. 5 percent 60 percent/40 percent employer/employee split on the Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund (EUTF) health insurance premium. Unit 13 Results; Unit 14 Results; Unit 15 Results; Featured Members at Work. Linda Mau;. Hawaii Labor Relations Board officially establishes HGEA Unit 15. Joining the Retirees Unit; Retiree Benefits; How it Works; Hoolaha; Contract Ratifications. 2% GENERAL SCHEDULE INCREASE AND A LOCALITY PAYMENT OF 20. The dues adjustment will be changed concurrently with the change in salary. Linda Mau;. HGEA wins prohibited practices complaint against Hawaii State Hospital. 48. Any questions, contact the HGEA Member Service Center at (808) 543-0000 or [email protected]. 3 Education and Training (Unit 3) 21. Unit 13 ratifies 2013-2017 contract HGEA’s Unit 13 overwhelmingly ratified a four-year contract, covering the period of July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2017, with 96% of the members voting to accept. December 31, 2020 This memorandum is to advise all departments and agencies of the statutory dues changes for the employees in HGEA-represented. Compensation Adjustment. Critical Illness Plan - This plan pays a lump sum benefit upon diagnosis of a covered critical illness (including cancer, heart attack, stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, heart disease and more). Feb. ARTICLE 7 - UNION REPRESENTATION RIGHTS A. Ratification meetings for Unit 13 were held at. Unit 6 presentation, tentative agreement. 24 24. Negotiations for successor agreements began on June 30, 2020, and continued until May 18, 2021, when the parties tentatively agreed to new contracts. 7% pay raise for federal employees, set to begin with the first full pay period of this year. Members in Units 4, 13 and 14 voted to approve their tentative agreements effective for the contract period July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2023. 1 DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING MEMORANDUM of AGREEMENT SUMMARY . UNIT 1 HAS RATIFIED THE CONTRACT. Health & Life Insurance Providers. Non-HGEA Bargaining Unit Employee: Units 1, 5, 7, 10, 11 or 12; Private Sector Employee; East-West Center Employee; Public Utility Employee; Federal Civil Service Employee; Non-Profit. HGEA’s Unit 13 membership consists of approximately 8,100 professional and scientific employees. Tr. Summary of EUTF Tentative Agreement 2023. Unit 13 3 E. unit. , I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. 3 Student Discipline (Unit 3) 21. April 20, 2021. The University of Hawaii Professional Assembly also has a 2021-2023 contract with no base salary adjustments. The text of the letter appears below. Hgea unit 13 salary schedule 2022It seems proven hgea unit 13 contract update 2019 jobs and. 92% EFFECTIVE JANUARY 2022 Annual Rates by Grade and Step Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10State of Hawaii Board of Education and Hawaii Government Employees Association Bargaining Unit 06, 12-month Vice-Principal, Position Number 603498 Waianae High School Alternative Learning Programs and Services. . 2. Your Executive Negotiating Committees reached a tentative agreement with your employer for a new Collective Bargaining Agreement to take effect on July 1, 2021. Check out the HGEA website for schedules and. Linda Mau; Michael Harano; Gary Macarayan, Colin Kalama-Malani and Winston Chun;. Please consider testifying on behalf of your fellow HGEA members — your support is critical! Testify in person Public testimony will be taken at 9 a. HGEA’s Unit 13 membership consists of approximately 8,100 professional and scientific employees. Ratification voting for Units 2, 3, 8 and 13 begins April 21. Unit 2 Results; Unit 3 Results; Unit 4 Results; Unit 6 Results; Unit 8 Results; Unit 9 Results; Unit 13 Results; Unit 14 Results; Unit 15 Results; Featured Members at Work. On Wednesday, May 11, the Maui County Council will hear measure BF-6 (cost proposal for Unit 14 members) at 9 a. In September 2020, HB 1698 was signed into law as Act 031, Session Laws of Hawaii, 2020. . Linda Mau;. Home » Resources for State HR Professionals » Classification and Compensation » Salary Schedules » BU13, Professional and Scientific Employees / Licensed Health Care Professional » BU 13, Professional and Scientific Employees. Hawaii Government Employees Association (HGEA) is the Hawaii chapter of the AFSCME and the AFL-CIO unions. Union) for employees included in bargaining unit 8. Parties reached agreement: 6/14/2022. More than 25,000 state employees will receive raises and improved medical benefits under the terms of an agreement between the HGEA and state that was reached Thursday, according to an HGEA. Compensation Plan - Department of Human Resources DevelopmentThe Hawaiʻi Government Employees Association (HGEA), AFSCME, Local 152, AFL-CIO serves as the exclusive bargaining representative (i. 25% ATB increase and $150 lump sum payment in accordance to their respective bargaining unit agreemeThe dues nt. ### Media Contact: Caroline. These meetings are open only to HGEA Bargaining Unit 13 members. Most unionized public workers in Hawaii have ratified new contracts this year with pay raises after agreeing to wage freezes two years ago amid the coronavirus-triggered economic downturn. WHEREAS, Chapter 89, Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), establishes a statewide. $81,531 $83,424 $85,316 $87,209 . Agreement submitted to the Legislative Analyst and Members of the Legislature: 6/17/2022. Linda Mau; Michael Harano; Gary Macarayan, Colin Kalama-Malani and Winston Chun;. B. Daughter is a temporary resident of germany. An arbitrator ruled that more than 1,300 HGEA bargaining unit members are entitled to receive temporary hazard pay of up to 25% of their initial step of their salary range for the duration of former Gov. Domain Registration Data. HGEA represents state and countyThis comes after HGEA in October won a long-standing dispute with the county over temporary hazard pay during the pandemic. Unit 2 Results; Unit 3 Results; Unit 4 Results; Unit 6 Results; Unit 8 Results; Unit 9 Results; Unit 13 Results; Unit 14 Results; Unit 15 Results; Featured Members at Work. HGEA’s Unit 13 membership consists of approximately 8,100 professional and scientific employees. salary. In September 2020, HB 1698 was signed into law as Act 031, Session Laws of Hawaii, 2020. Linda Mau; Michael Harano; Gary. e. Ocean safety and water safety officers. Per HGEA, the straight-time monthly salary is defined as the employee’s monthly basic rate of pay including any differential pay for compression, conversion, permanent, related shortage,. BU 03, NonSupervisory Employees in White Collar Positions. Voting on ratifying the 2021-2023 successor agreements ended on May 27, and the results were sent out. 10. org. Title: Memorandum of Understanding BU 02, 03, 04, 09, and 13 Telework Program Created. Unit 6 is comprised of approximately. Thanks to HGEA’s doggedness, approximately 25 employees from the state Department of Health (DOH) — food and drug inspectors and sanitarians — finally received compensation from a settlement, totaling nearly $200,000. 15 . 13 . HGEA wins prohibited practices complaint against Hawaii State Hospital. Forms. 3 Student Class Assignment (Unit 3) You can read the details of these and all current contract articles at contract. HGEA prides itself on being a democratic union -- a union by the members, for the members. Please call 1-833-448-6466 to enroll. Unit 6 members recognized for excellence in school leadership. Unit 13 3 E. bu 14, state law enforcement officers and state and county ocean safety and water safety officersState labor negotiators have come to terms with one of Hawaii’s larger public workforce unions on a new four-year contract that provides roughly 4% to 5% pay raises in each of the next three. 48 186. Unit 13 3 E. These meetings are open only to HGEA Bargaining Unit 13 members. HGEA’s Unit 13 membership consists of approximately 8,100 professional and scientific employees. Summary of EUTF Tentative Agreement 2023. On January 22, 1982, Complainant signed the completed grievance form entitled "Labor Agreement Grievance Form HGEA-Unit #13 Step I. Unit 2 Results; Unit 3 Results; Unit 4 Results; Unit 6 Results; Unit 8 Results; Unit 9 Results; Unit 13 Results; Unit 14 Results; Unit 15 Results; Featured Members at Work. Joining the Retirees Unit; Retiree Benefits; How it Works; Hoolaha; Contract Ratifications. Callaway ("Callaway") and other members of Local 152's Unit 9 ("Unit 9"), and individual grievances filed by Mr. HGEA’s Unit 13 membership consists of approximately 8,100 professional and scientific employees.